
English titleYear of productionDirector
The Pussycat Princess1978Jankovics Marcell, Lisziák Elek
The Bear and the Cat1990Horváth Mária
The Hare and the Hedgehog1989Horváth Mária, Gyapai Tamás
The Magic Mill1985Kricskovics Zsuzsanna, Jankovics Marcell
The Slipper Tearing Princesses2002Nagy Lajos
The Hen and the Sloe Berry1995Jankovics Marcell, Horváth Mária
The Little Puli Dog1979Ujváry László, Jankovics Marcell
The Horse-Egg1979Haui József, Jankovics Marcell
The Lazy Boy2011Horváth Mária
The Fox Princess 1979Molnár Péter, Jankovics Marcell